We may depart considerably from this syllabus, if we are going more quickly or slowly than planned, or if another order of activities/discussions seem to make more sense.
NB I have planned in “empty” sessions (e.g. classes 11, 16, 17…). These can either be to catch up or for general discussion.
Reading Blog posts are due the day before we discuss the texts.
Experience Blog posts are due by Sunday night.
Week 1: Lima and Introductions to Peru and the Course
Class 1 (May 25): Angel Rama, The Lettered City, 1-28 (“The Ordered City,” “The City of Letters”); The Lima Reader, 9-20, 49-55, 64-66, 84-86, 103-107 (Pacheco Vélez, Garcilaso de la Vega el Inca, Cobo, Anonymous, Concolorcorvo, Melville, Gálvez)
Week 2: Cusco: Syncretism and Hybridity
Class 2 (May 27): The Lima Reader 153-160, 203-212, 219-228, 232-235, 247-253 (Flores Galindo, Vargas Llosa, Zileri, Matos Mar, Peruvian Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Cánepa, Avilés)
Class 3 (May 27): The Peru Reader 56-70, 82-92, 97-123, 199-206, 231-234, 273-278, 512-527 (Murra, Bingham, Hamming, Las Casas, González Prada, Valcárcel, Arguedas, Vargas Llosa)
Class 4 (May 29): The Peru Reader 30-36, 124-148, 159-168 (The Huarochirí Manuscript, Stern, Flores Galindo)
Class 5 (May 31): Arguedas, Deep Rivers
Class 6 (May 31): Dean, Inka Bodies
Week 3: Cusco and Pisac: Place and Space in the Inca Empire
Class 7 (June 3): Guaman Poma, The First New Chronicle and Good Government
Class 8 (June 3): Guaman Poma, The First New Chronicle and Good Government
June 4: First Position Paper due
Class 9 (June 5): Garcilaso de la Vega (el Inca), Royal Commentaries of the Incas and General History of Peru
Class 10 (June 5): Garcilaso de la Vega (el Inca), Royal Commentaries of the Incas and General History of Peru
Class 11: TBC (discussion of position papers?)
Week 4: Pisac: Conquest and Colonization
Class 12 (June 10): Mariátegui, Seven Interpretative Essays on Peruvian Reality, 3-76, 153-181 (“Outline of the Economic Evolution,” “The Problem of the Indian,” “The Problem of Land,” “Regionalism and Centralism”)
Class 13 (June 10): Mariátegui, Seven Interpretative Essays on Peruvian Reality, 3-76, 153-181 (“Outline of the Economic Evolution,” “The Problem of the Indian,” “The Problem of Land,” “Regionalism and Centralism”)
Class 14 (June 12): Silverblatt, Modern Inquisitions
Class 15 (June 12): Silverblatt, Modern Inquisitions
Class 16 (June 14): TBC
Class 17 (June 14): TBC
Week 5: Pisac and Machu Picchu: The Twentieth-Century Construction of Indigeneity
Class 18 (June 17): Condori Mamani and Quispe Huamán, Andean Lives
Class 19 (June 17): Condori Mamani and Quispe Huamán, Andean Lives
Class 20 (June 18): TBC
Class 21 (June 19): Neruda, The Heights of Macchu Picchu
Class 22 (June 21): Rice, Making Machu Picchu
Week 6: Cusco and Pisac: Protest, Insurrection, and Gentrification
Class 23 (June 25): de la Cadena, Indigenous Mestizos
Class 24 (June 26): Blanco, We, The Indians
Class 25 (June 26): Degregori, How Difficult it is to be God
June 27: Second Position Paper due
Class 26 (June 28): Vargas Llosa, Death in the Andes
Class 27 (June 28): Vargas Llosa, Death in the Andes
Week 7: Return to Lima, Conclusions, and Departure
Class 28 (July 1): TBC (discussion of position papers?)
Class 29 (July 2): Video presentations and conclusions
Class 30 (July 2): Video presentations and conclusions